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Small GROUP Sessions 

Sessions are CUSTOMIZED to your group... whatever you want to do!
Get a few friends or family members together, MAKE ART, enjoy a drink, be inspired!  All Media and Methods welcome*  Just let Wildy know your thoughts and FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS>>>
CUSTOMIZED to your group... whatever you want to do!

FOCUS on exploring and generating positive energy from within* For personal GROWTH - these sessions develop confidence, relieve stress, excercise thinking skills - in an open non-critical encouraging environment FOCUSED on PLAY.

Call to sign up

(417) 331-0341

SKETCHBOOK   A playful session excercising your personal practice of                                                       drawing skills - casual - BYO  (These sessions are flexible                                                 so arrive whenever you can!)             


UNWINED             Enjoy FUN  with unlimited creative spirit - ARTescape>


UPLIFT                  Creative Thinking Excercises focused on Rejuvenating                                                   your CREATIVITY and Enriching our lives and                                                                 COMMUNITY from a therapeutic center.



  (417) 331-0341 for info 

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